What a great way to bring this blog out of retirement! I admit to lazily spending the last two years avoiding much writing here, and yeah, I made some plushies and had some grand adventures and all that, but it's hardly an excuse... What spurred me out of my winter doldrums and into full-on creator mode was an exciting challenge from Shmancy's PlushYou! blog. I held my breath, crossed my fingers, and sent positive vibes about Curling as I waited for my category assignment. However, as soon as I heard that I'd be working on "Bobsleigh" there was just one thought in my head: PEAS!
With that I give you the PodSled team, straight from.. well... the ground!
Good team action...
A little bit of general freaked outedness on the part of the scaredy pea...
Much chillin from the rest of the PodSquad...
And my favorite, the lovely glowing peas, ready to take the track by storm!